By Username - 18/03/2010 08:21 - France

Today, my wife told me she was very horny as we have not had sex in about two weeks, so I told her to do something for me to get me in the mood. She sighed and then went upstairs to get ready for work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 570
You deserved it 49 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

snakeonthesun 0

that's why she said she was horny! To get you in the mood. was that not enough?

"Um, you need to get me in the mood." Isn't that something a woman says? Pull out your tampon and **** that woman stupid.


dakins 0

ydi she did "something" by telling u she wanted to ****, saying do something is like saying. "sorry I'm just not into u, but if u do something i might b able to tolerate screwing u"....... next time stick to this rule of thumb. if a woman wants to screw SHUT UP, all ur going to do is talk urself out of her pants.

If you replace women with man in this comment it would have been buried. And thats whats soo sad about gendering.

Late_night83 25

How bout, "suck my ****?" fyl for not taking the opportunity.

She has to get ready for the kitchen?

KalCountry76 12

Her being horny after two weeks isn't enough to turn you on? Do her a favor and take some Viagra. :P

Maybe you should do something for her first!

If she is horny she can **********, that is what men do. It takes two to have sex if not its masturbation If she wanted to have sex, she could have started to try and turn him on. She failed.

Idiot sexist people. Men are not always in the mood, what is wrong with you? People keep talking about not seeing women as toys while it is perfectly normal to see men as toys, it seems. Sometimes men need help to get in the mood too, just like women need help to get in the mood. And you idiots who would think it is okay for her to cheat because they havent had sex in two weeks? I hope your SO cheats on you multiple times, and leaves you in tears when you find out. Stupid *****.

How can you not be turned on, even by the slightest thing after two weeks of no sex?:-P