By INeedaNewJob - 16/11/2014 23:25 - United States - Kent

Today, my wife received a $15,000 bonus from her work. I got a backpack from mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 459
You deserved it 3 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If only your backpack was filled with $15000.

let her be your sugar momma for a bit!


Why don't you just feel happy for her instead of complaining?

It's the equivalent of grade school lunch time. You open your lunch to find your mom packed you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, while your friend's mom packed pizza with a pudding cup.

You can't just be happy and proud of her?

Do you mean $1500 and not $15000? And if not where the heck does your wife work cause I wanna work there.

rareawesomeness 22

#27 I'm pretty sure he's upset about getting a backpack instead of money as a bonus.

Hooray for working for REI. I got the red one.

So you're going on a backpacking trip, I take it? Bonuses for regular workers these days are nearly unheard of anyway (although wanting one is understandable). Be happy that your household has received such a windfall, not jealous that your wife outearned you. If your marriage is decent I'm sure she would be glad as well if the roles were reversed.