By College_Grad - 30/07/2015 17:38

Today, I was detained for trying to "illegally enter" my house, all because my parents forgot to tell me they were being evicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 977
You deserved it 1 686

College_Grad tells us more.

OP here. I just graduated in May and have been working 2 jobs (one full time in my field and one part time for extra cash) since a week after I graduated. I am almost never home. I am moving to my own apartment at the end of August. I paid rent, car payments, and utilities to my parents every week because I'm a big girl, planning my own family. I have no idea what happened exactly, but someone called the police because I tried to unlock the front door after I came home from work. Everything is ok. We're ok.

Top comments

Psycocharger 19

That sucks OP. Talk to your parents about it. How did you not know about this?


cat4651 15

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Wizardo 33

Technicality schmecnicality, can't blame OP.

cat4651 15

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I think the op was blaming their parents not the person who detained them.

The law however can #8 It's a sad fact of modern life.

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#35 just the stupid and/or shitty ones.

tehdarkness 21

True, but still F his L. That sucks that his parents couldn't keep it together by having a roof over his head; it also sucks that the didn't have the balls to tell him about it.

Psycocharger 19

That sucks OP. Talk to your parents about it. How did you not know about this?

what REALLY sucks is her parents never bothered to give her their new address:(

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Bravo. You know the definition of renting. You get a golden star sticker.

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well technically you may be correct. And the Technical sense at least. But a home is their house. Whether they rent or own. And it is not for you to say whether or not it was never your house.. because even though I may not on my home I consider it my house. It's where I live. And as long as you pay any type rent it is your house

So im guessing you live with them? Becuase the wording can kinda throw people...

It clearly says how does that work in your mind #6

I'm curious how they managed to go through the full process of being evicted without you noticing anything weird. Were you at camp and came home to that mess?

maybe the name college grad can help...

I read that in a sad tone because of your profile picture

Haha thanks for pointing that out, I didn't read the name

Well shiiiiiit. Did you encounter new occupants? Sorry to hear that OP

Just explain them why you entered thus not knowing that your parents were evicted.

Did you come home after being away for a while?

No, her parents just left her all alone and didn't tell her anything. You see it was all a practical joke to see how long it would take her to notice they're gone.

Well, the name of the poster does say College Grad so im guessing he came from college.