By Anonymous - 13/09/2009 09:27 - United States

Today, my whole family was sitting in the kitchen. My sister was stoned and passed out in our dog's bed. My dad was drunk, yelling "who's your daddy" at his plate of barbecue, and my mom just sat there with that, "what the hell happened to my life" look on her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 559
You deserved it 50

Top comments


sugar_407 0

This is literally the first time I have read an FML in the past 4 months that has made me crack up. fyl indeed

Sorry about your fam...this is one of the few fml's out there that's actually an fml. I lost it at the 'who's your daddy' part though XD

phuresh2death 0

ah this had me to tears from laughing lol whos your daddy!

FAKE you sister just sits there 'completely stoned' and your mother is fine and doesnt do a thing about it? your dad is yelling at ribs he is eating? this seems more like a joke than a FML

aiezaiza 0
loosekites 0
mysterystar 0

haha ydi for having an awesome family