By Anonymous - 13/09/2009 09:27 - United States

Today, my whole family was sitting in the kitchen. My sister was stoned and passed out in our dog's bed. My dad was drunk, yelling "who's your daddy" at his plate of barbecue, and my mom just sat there with that, "what the hell happened to my life" look on her face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 559
You deserved it 50

Top comments


Omg why would you post this on fml, sissy I hate u Now everyone now I smoke ):

awesomeness101 0

That sucks, but I couldn't help but laugh at the image of your dad yelling at his food.

The only thing that concerns me about this post is your mom. At least your dad was drunk so he has an excuse to say crazy things, my stepdad does a lot worse when he's sober e.g. yelling at me how unreasonable I am for showering every day, calling my best friends ****** or something along the lines. I moved out last year. You should too. End of story.

Awww.. family time together is priceless. But as a FML... meh

blink831forever 13

hahahaha i loved this sounds like something I would have submitted...except my sister doesnt sleep in the dog bed

T_r_i_c_k_Y 0

Your family sounds like a hoot!