By kraziikayce - 26/12/2009 01:20 - United States

Today, my uncle got me a debit card and put $1000 on it for my Christmas present. However, he forgot to activate the card. The receipt with the 14-digit activation code is in the garbage in Colorado. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 814
You deserved it 3 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reyo 2

Forgive me for saying this OP, but the man's an idiot.

maybe kenny will find it if he's digging through trash to find poptarts for dinner


BlinkOnceForYes 0

I have to say that this does suck. Everyone is all bent out of shape and jealous because someone received a large amount of money for Christmas. Get over it.

I agree with you. Just get over it already.

you must have a rich uncle! my uncle gave me a box of chocolates! but it's the thought that counts :)

My uncle gave me chocolate that was 2 years expired

Geicogecko 2
hateevryone 14

man, that is totally messed up

EmperorHilo 11

It's okay I know what you mean. My father for my SIXTEENTH birthday bought me a brand new ford focus, cause at the time it was the car i wanted. He left the car but not the keys, and a full tank of gas and about 2,000 in cash both presents was for my birthday and Christmas. My dad left to go to Las Vegas, but wouldnt spend to postage to send me the keys to the car.