By Laila - 20/02/2013 12:01 - United States

Today, my son asked me if the short films I write are for little kids or for adults. Since I write horror-filled films, I said they were for adults. He went and told his teacher that I made "adult films". FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 550
You deserved it 5 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either clear up the misunderstanding or go with the flow and see where it takes you, but if it takes you to a bigger flow... Run.

perdix 29

You should be suspicious if you are invited to Career Day -- and it's at the teacher's house at night. Bow-chicka-bow-bow.


I bet you were even more suprised when the teacher's response was to tell him to bring in an example for "Show and Tell".

Misswildsides 22

On the note if the teacher was thinking the "adult video" was the peverted kind, I would be pretty concerned if the teacher asked for that.

When the teacher asks during a parent teacher conference, just tell him/her the truth then. It's no big deal but still this FML made my day such a funny kid.

You should have specified horror films for adults instead if just adult films. But kids say the darnest things! FYL OP

tmmundy 17

24...please explain how that would be adultery. Wait, never mind, I'm afraid your response will be just as confusing as your last SEVERAL comments.

"my mommy makes adult films and I snuck one secretly and it was so scary but so good! She is amazing!"

shutupAnderson 7

The teacher was probably very horrified to hear that.

sugarbear0727 19
icepick23 12

Did you not read the FML properly, or are you actually that stupid?

Most parents don't want their children's teachers to think they're in the adult business.. Even if they are.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Little kids are so frustrating sometimes