By Anonymous - 03/09/2011 02:47 - United States

Today, my school is having their homecoming, and it seems everyone but me has someone to go with. My best friend has her boyfriend, my brother has a date, and I have my hamster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 365
You deserved it 6 874

Same thing different taste


Well if i were you i would go on the dance floor and show off by doing the hamster dance I'm sure you hamster would be impressed

If that's everyone in your school that's pretty sad!!

Awww but hamsters are pretty awesome too!!

If homecoming is reunion, I doubt I'll know anyone from high school by that time, but I don't think that's right :S anyways FYL

Don't forget the smallest condoms they have

cakehale 0

how is it everyone when you only put your best friend and bro? how is that everyone?

TonyIsMyDog 2

Maybe if you didn't have a hamster you'd have better luck getting a date. Who has a hamster when they're a Sr in HS??

Lighten up? Who the **** do you think you are, telling me what to do? **** you! No no I kid, I kid. But seriously **** you. Haha! Just kidding. No really though, **** off.

Sorry to break it to you, but there isn't an age limit on having a pet. Children like having puppies, does that mean an adult can't enjoy having one as well? The same applies to rodents. However, I'm sure your very simplistic, go-with-the-crowd mentality makes it difficult for you to comprehend such a thing.

Well, is it comforting that your Hamster doesn't have a date either?

So go with your friends. You probably are not the only one dealing with this.