By veiny - 21/04/2015 13:48 - United States - Kingsport

Today, my nurse girlfriend told me she's more attracted to the veins in my arm than any other part of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 618
You deserved it 3 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.... at least she's not attracted to someone else

That's a weird thing to say. What makes your veins different from everyone else's?


There's absolutely nothing sexier than veins on a deliciously muscular forearm. Don't worry, be happy. ;]

And how is literally any other part of you a higher value for her to find attractive? I like my partners shoulders. Should he be upset I don't like his butt more? Should I be upset he is more into my boobs than my ears? Unless she is Only into your veins and not you as a person this is a whiny non issue.

Time to trade her in for a younger model with less miles on the clock.

Why did he feel the need to add that she's a nurse? Could have just said "my girlfriend....." I don't see anything nurse related in this so it kind of seems pointless.

Probably because nurses have to do things like take blood and put IVs, so they tend to notice and admire certain types of veins. It's relevant to the FML because it gives us a little idea as to why she might be so attracted to good veins.

It's a nurse thing. We tend to notice large veins because they are easy to put in IV's and draw blood. I have mentioned to several men how beautiful their arms are and how easy it would be to pop a cannula in. Often when sitting watching a movie etc, I will be holding my husband's hand and subconsciously palpating his veins. If he didn't mention she was a nurse, that would be creepy.

41, I'm not a nurse and I love bulgy veins on a guys forearm and biceps. I too used to palpate my ex-boyfriends veins while watching tv. I think there are quite a few of us "crazies." Lol.

alina_2bu 14

it was made a research which concluded that women are attracted by the veins of the arm and how it looks due to the fact that it resembles a penis.

notorious_me 13

Show her some of your veins that throb when you get hot and heavy - it'll get her going in no time.

Carly Simon? Is that you? How you been girl? (Musical reference)

Doesn't seem like much of an FML to me. Different people are attracted to different things. One of the things I find most attractive about my bf is his nose, but that doesn't mean I think the other parts are ugly. She probably thinks the rest of you is attractive too, but is just particularly enthralled by your veins.