By Anonymous - 21/11/2013 22:30 - United States - Auburn

Today, my neighbor finally password-protected his wifi. Right in the middle of my timed, online exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 030
You deserved it 95 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats what you get when you freeload. Get your own wifi dude!

Omfgitsmia 15

I don't whether you deserved this or if your life sucks lol. Maybe a little of both.


never have I seen such a well deserved YDI

rety1 13

If you can't afford Internet ask your neighbor for the password and tell him you'll give him like 10-20 bucks a month for the usage of his wifi. It'll be a lot cheaper than your own wifi and your neighbor will be a little more willing to go for it if you throw at least some money their way.

Sophie_Hart 9

Serves you right. Karma is a bitch.

You're probably one of the reasons that they put a password on it...

Even if you can't afford your own connection at home, for something as important as a test you go somewhere you aren't stealing wifi. Go into school, or a library (some of them have free wifi) or even go to an Internet cafe and pay for some Internet time...

Welp. I deserve to go to jail or prison because for one: I have used someone else's wifi and two: I used my schools when I'm not supposed to. Oops. My bad. I have my own wifi now and used to have 3G but ios7 and straight talk apparently hate each other. Oh well.

You should've went to McDonalds early in the morning. Lol *if you couldn't afford free Wifi. because, they've got free wifi all day, for public use(:

caysters 12

Definitely a YDI. Get your own internet. Depending on where you are, it's really not that expensive. Also, you had to either have internet or a smart phone to post this... So if you have a smart phone, many of them are hot spots now too.

Sitting_Ducki 8