By broken - 02/09/2009 09:45 - Australia

Today, my mum hit me with her car as she was backing out of the driveway, hitting my leg, and crushing my bike. For the third time this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 387
You deserved it 10 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kendalle_fml 0

umm MOVE? why are you standing behind a car when it is backing out over and over?

your mum can't drive and you have the reflexes of a rock


idratherbewrestl 0

ydi for being an idiot and standing behind a moving car... now thats darwinism at its finest

I think you're as much as fault as she is. You know that old saying: Hit me with a car once, shame on you. Hit me with a car twice, shame on me. Hit me a third time, and its the beginning of a BDSM relationship.

rayrayy_fml 0

#13 ftw. Also, maybe you should stop biking in the driveway?

Ha ha ha! That was great #13!!! So... you jumped in front of a moving car 3 times then... see a councilor.

YDI. You are the biggest idiot I know. You are nothing but a sucker for punsihment. Watch where you are going. If you can't do that, go take a ******* bike safety course, before you ruin someone else's car or kill yourself.

if she's don't it twice before you shouldn't be stupid enough to stand there a third time. YDI

All you people saying ydi for standing behind a moving car, I'm going to assume that you're all really bad drivers. It's the driver's responsibility when backing up to look behind for any people, obstacles, or other cars. If the OP's mom had hit someone else, like some random person walking by on the sidewalk and crossing the driveway, she is totally at fault. She's lucky it's her kid and her kid isn't going to do anything about it. If I was walking by and she hit me, I'd sue the crap out of her. And the court would definitely side with me.

themixedt4pe 0

I agree. I mean, sure, the OP should be watching for cars too, but come on... her mom must be blind. I don't know about Australia, but in America if someone had the guts, they could probably report that sort of thing to the police and get points taken from their mother's license. Someone hitting 3 pedestrians (because face it, she could just have easily been a complete stranger walking by) a is a total hazard on the road. Or you could charge her with child abuse. Not that I'm suggesting anything, just some stuff to think about. >;-)

I agree...also the OP could have been standing kind of besides the car waiting for her to back out and then she started turning and hit the OP that way. I highly doubt they were stupid enough to be standing right behind the car when she backed out.

sixteen8seven 0

you @assholes! Check before you back out. More like she is TRYING to hit the kid.

seveer4444 2

i think she is TRYING to KILL you

crackberrie 0

this isn't necessarily a "you deserve it" but after having been hit by your mom TWICE previously, haven't you learned your lesson to stay out of her way when she is backing up?

deaditegirl 0

After 3 times you still haven't learned to get out of the way of a car? How stupid are you? YDI. Yeah, she should look behind her, but you have a responsibility to pay attention as well, which you clearly aren't.