By Anonymous - 27/04/2019 04:00

Today, my moron of a teenager drank lube to lubricate his throat during a coughing fit, thinking it would take away the itchiness in his throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 212
You deserved it 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Moron? Really?!?! To me, that seems like a pretty slick move.

bloopaloop 27

His boyfriend probably told him to do that for other reasons.


Poison control, they’re probably wonderful people right now.

Oh... I thought, like, edible lube... but if it's car lube it will certainly stop the itching.

Moron? Really?!?! To me, that seems like a pretty slick move.

bloopaloop 27

His boyfriend probably told him to do that for other reasons.

julfunky 29

He’s only a moron if it didn’t work..

CaptLightbulb 9
manb91uk 22

Lube is non-toxic so I can see the logic there. At least he's the kind of person who tries new things... Question is.. Whose lube was it? And are you more pissed off because you don't have any left anymore?

manb91uk 22

Well, after I swallowed your dad's lubed-up ****, I felt bloody lovely! Shame his most defective sperm swims fastest though, you could have been SO much more!

If ever an FML required a followup, it is this one

oh no...this is why sex education is so important.