By xXMudkipNoobXx - 13/01/2012 01:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 02/03/2010 21:16 - United States
Alexa, play "Never Enough" by The Cure
By guess who - 07/05/2021 13:59
Lock your doors
By Not a cheater - 21/01/2024 05:00 - United States
By daRN - 02/07/2009 19:34 - Bahrain
By Anonyme - 22/06/2016 04:05
By failedexam - 06/11/2009 06:52 - Canada
Time wasting
By PNeil - 13/11/2019 14:00
By catdog552 - 28/02/2013 11:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/03/2015 04:39 - United States - Madison
Badmouth Strikes Again
By Melissa - 08/03/2020 14:00
Top comments
Oh my God OP! Maybe our moms go to a convention where they teach mother's any grade under 98% is the grade of a delinquent.. I got 79% and she almost shit bricks!
Your sister •almost• burned the house down. You •almost• failed* I think your sisters almost is worse... *in my high school 64 or under was failing, not the typical 70=pass
Exactly. We've all almost set the house on fire before, on more occasions than one....right?
15- That sounds just like my mom! Any time my grades drop below 90 she complains about how much of a failure I am. You should've seen what happened when my teacher put a project worth 500 points in as a zero until it was completed. I ended up getting a perfect score in the end but she was freaking out about it every day until then.
math is easy
Well, seriously... Your mom's right. Houses can be rebuilt. An education is a lot harder to pass successfully than setting a house on fire...
Not sure if trolling...
Hey dumb ass #6 what is the difference in income between someone with good education and someone like you with none? Multiple mansions... You ugly too
Ya and death by fire seems worse than failing one class.
G-sus C! Do I really have to put a /sarcasm EVERYwhere?
No. It's just that your comments are retarded.
Bro, wat is wrong with u. **** education, i wanna house
I can see why you would say that.
If I was a mother I'd be upset with both kids, no comparing who's is worse. BUT we only know one side of the story. People have accidents, but you can't accidentally not study.
dude, it's normal if you're asian, i get the same thing all the time T.T
Maybe her sister's really young and was playing with matches or a lighter.
Light the test on fire. "You like this, Mom?! Didn't think so!" She'll probably just think you're insane and leave you alone.
The mom already seems pretty crazy, and you can't out-crazy genuine crazy.
of course you never know in an FML, but OP could be a 19 year old in a level 101 algebra class and his sister could be a 2 year old that knocked over a candle
oh no, someone on the internet doesn't like me, boohoo :'(
8 - his name is a ******* processor. He can do as he pleases
Just another jerk off hiding behind the Internet!
14 - gracias senor
hahaha good one bro
I enjoy the fact someone tried to be cool and insult Pentium and ended up getting buried by more votes than Pentium got voted up. Who's the one who isn't "good at this and for their own sake, should stop?"
How come your comment shows and it doesn't have the following up button?
Almost only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades. The fact is: you failed a test, your sister was unsuccessful at burning the house down. Therefore yours was worse :/
67% is a passing mark.
In Australia, our pass mark is usually 50%. Way to make me feel dumb, I was usually proud of myself for getting 60!
well maybe because algebra is ridiculously easy and setting the house on fire takes effort!
but she didnt set the house on fire, and you DID fail the test. reasonable.
A 67% is still a passing grade.
No in Canada a 67 is a C+.
yet another reason to move to Canada

The key word is "almost"
of course you never know in an FML, but OP could be a 19 year old in a level 101 algebra class and his sister could be a 2 year old that knocked over a candle