This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 14/04/2009 22:52 - United States

Today, my mom asked if she could use my red dress for her two-week trip to the Caribbean. I said no, because I was going to a party and I wanted to wear it. She called me a selfish, greedy bitch who would stay single forever. I paid for her plane ticket, her hotel fees and her cruise ship fee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 206 933
You deserved it 14 813

Top comments

ohhhhshizzz 0

Yeah I agree with #3, you better cancel that trip. that will show her who's a greedy selfish bitch. And while she is wondering why the flight was cancled. say its cause you were a greedy selfish bitch. And then put on the red dress and leave. =] bwahah.


RadioGaga_fml 0

Wow, sounds like my mom. I agree with #3.

mj2123 0

Nice mom. She should get over herself.

Report her to TSA as a terror threat before she gets to the airport.

#385 If you read the whole thing, you would see that it involves a flight.

ohhhhshizzz 0

Yeah I agree with #3, you better cancel that trip. that will show her who's a greedy selfish bitch. And while she is wondering why the flight was cancled. say its cause you were a greedy selfish bitch. And then put on the red dress and leave. =] bwahah.

Fmlisdabomb 0

take the trip yourself beforeshe gets there

omglolydi 0

Wow, what a ******* bitch. If you cancel her trip that might open another can of worms, just rub it in her face that you paid for her whole ******* vacation and SHE should stop being such an immature little bitch that she can't wear YOUR dress.

kscott88 0

You, my dear, have a psychotic mother.

Sounds like you're the mother, role confusion much?

Report her to TSA as a terror threat before she gets to the airport.

blland 0

So? That's just rude. YDI. FYL! Dump her. That sucks. you're better off without her. Could be worse.

Dude. News flash: that's her mom. Not one of her friends. OP can't "dump" her mom.