By Cody - 19/07/2010 13:59 - United States

Today, my kids surprised me when I got home. One of them played the Rocky theme song on the stereo, and the other came up to me and said, "Daddy, let's go. We need you to drop about 15 pounds before you appear in front of all of our friends at our play." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 795
You deserved it 8 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then loose some weight. Dó it for your kids.

awwwww, that is so cute. No more twinkees for you for a while tubby.


I think that's a sign to start living a healthy life... if your kids are worried about your appearance... so should you

sk8trzero53 0

yeaaa that's stupid. I kinda doubt they did that.

hahahaha. at least they are creative.

ydi for being fat  oink oink

Muhauha, your kids are really awesome, if I have some one day I want them like this. But they have to put the rocky theme when I'm in bed with mommy.