By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 21:15 - United States

Today, my husband was kind enough to hold my hair back while I was going down on him, but didn't have the thought to comfort me this morning while I suffered the effects of morning sickness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 433
You deserved it 5 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hope u didn't brush ur teeth so he has a vomit smelling penis


What did you want him to do? Give you a foot massage while you hurled all over the place?

I think you need to vomit on him haha

Maybe of you had finished blowing him you wouldn't be pregnant

floppycow 0

great story to tell your kid

how do you get pregnant from a *******? ;)

powerful load... went right through her :P

sourgirl101 28

You do realize he only held your hair back so that he could get a better look at what you were doing to him, right? Morning sickness is the worst. I used to throw up in the garbage deposal when I had it. It's easier to clean up after. No toilet water splashing up at your face.

I would use whatever was closest. Garbage disoosal, trash can, toilet. Once in our car, he couldn't pull over and the only thing he could find was a McDonald's cup. Yep... used that too.

if your were my mother I'd get you Gatorade the whole deal. than laugh at my father. I'm only 14 and a dude.

YouBeenTrolled 0

You're fake. -Successful troll is successful.

jerry44924 0