By Anonymous - 03/09/2014 18:24 - United States - White Plains

Today, my husband asked our tax professional if we could file my profession as "Expert Dream Murderer." I'm a guidance counselor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 746
You deserved it 5 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

All throughout middle and high school, my guidance counselors told me I would never be a vet tech, I wasn't smart enough, and "oh well my son thought he wanted to be one too and then he got bit by a dog so you'll change your mind!" Now that I'm in vet tech school I want nothing more than to revisit them and shove it in their face. Tell me I can't do something, and I'll show you I can.


I have a boss who needed his dream killed and slapped with reality. Some people continue even years after high school whose greatest ambition is "becoming a professional athlete," even though they couldn't even make it into college. Realism a day helps keep retail jobs away.

Well guidance counsellers can be seen as murdering people's dreams. Especially if working at a high school. They have a tendency to suck out the ambition and inform people to be more practical. Well when I went to high school years ago our school counseller often trod on many a students career dreams.

My guidance counselor was useless too. That said, you determine your own path in this life and passing the buck is just an excuse. I applaud those motivated by what others said they could not / will not ever be!

I am taking extremely advanced Math and Science courses to become an Aeronautical Engineer. After I told my counselor, she told me that there is no such thing. Really?!?

Don't worry, bud. My councilors are really great, so they can't all be dream murderers.

if u said no than u basically were crushing his dream! lol

Professional dream killer sounds better I think.

Honestly, it's a pretty accurate name. My counselor always tries making me be more practical with my dreams, telling me that they're not going to happen.