Awkward conversation ahead

By Anonymous - 12/03/2024 16:00 - United States

Today, as a tax preparer, I had to deliver the bad news that a lady owed a very large sum in taxes. I even had my supervisor check my work as this was serious. Apparently she has been claiming exemptions she doesn't qualify for for years by going to another local tax office that closed down last year, due to fraud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 526
You deserved it 77

Same thing different taste

Top comments

any chance she is also a victim of fraud? you could probably get a lawyer to say that she didn't know or even did pay and it was stolen by the fraudulent taxsters.


any chance she is also a victim of fraud? you could probably get a lawyer to say that she didn't know or even did pay and it was stolen by the fraudulent taxsters.