By lemonhead - 23/05/2011 01:58

Today, my husband and I had just got over a big argument, and I asked him to cut me some cucumbers for my eyes to help me relax. I was laying down, eyed closed, and he set them on my eyes. They weren't cucumbers, they were lemons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 918
You deserved it 47 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gallaghers 0

She deserved it, if they just had a argument, he's obviously going to still sore about something, maybe because he has a lazy wife who demands that he cut her vegetables for her eyes (which I'm pretty sure don't do anything). Shes not worrying about how stressed or how he is after the fight, stuck up bitch


zebrapattern 6

you made him cut them for you AND place them on your eyes? wow.

robc32ca 4

you were over it. he wasn't

Sweet, sweet revenge. Or shall I say sour?

YDI In future cut your own damn cucumbers.

If you don't do things for each other in your relationship, that's probably why you're not in one!

Just because I don't lie around like some stupid, shallow, little diva, expecting my boyfriend to fetch slices of cucumber for my eyes (OMG How ******* lame are you? LMAO), you assume I am not in a relationship? Not that its any of your business anyway.

KattAlex 4

Ok, yes it is good to do things for each other in a relationship. Especially, if you are living together but what the OP did was an act of narcissim which is not a good thing in most cases. If it was more of a request like "Honey, could you set the table while I finish cooking dinner?" instead of "Cut up some cucumbers for my eyes so I can relax." it would be more understandable.

dadof2 4

just member the lemons next timenu have sex either on the hands or just eatin either way payback kinda hurts