By Anonymous - 15/08/2018 20:30

Today, I rested my face against my boyfriend's shoulder while we watched a movie. I didn’t realize he had put Icy Hot on the same shoulder right before I sat down. I cried in pain. He cried with laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 768
You deserved it 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ChromoTec 24

Everyone reacting to this FML has the same reaction as your boyfriend.

I've had icy hot on my eyes. I'm sorry op, but couldn't you smell it before you put your head down?


ChromoTec 24

Everyone reacting to this FML has the same reaction as your boyfriend.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

That’s the kind of information that’s good to know before you lay your head down.

I've had icy hot on my eyes. I'm sorry op, but couldn't you smell it before you put your head down?

Ouch that shit hurts when it's in the wrong place ,that was a ass move for him not to say something

That might be perfect for my wife. She can't decide whether she's hot or cold.