By lemonhead - 23/05/2011 01:58

Today, my husband and I had just got over a big argument, and I asked him to cut me some cucumbers for my eyes to help me relax. I was laying down, eyed closed, and he set them on my eyes. They weren't cucumbers, they were lemons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 918
You deserved it 47 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gallaghers 0

She deserved it, if they just had a argument, he's obviously going to still sore about something, maybe because he has a lazy wife who demands that he cut her vegetables for her eyes (which I'm pretty sure don't do anything). Shes not worrying about how stressed or how he is after the fight, stuck up bitch


You were JUST arguing... What did you expect?! o_o

Zombieslayer1 0

You people are all ****** if you think she should get him back for that. What does she expect him to do after a big row? Just wait on her hand and foot? She is showing no compation to him in this situation and only thinking of her own comfort. Good for the husband.

lazy ass.. next time do it urself.

Zombieslayer1 0

People who are sick and tired of stuck up selfish bitches who need to learn that the world won't stop just to say "God bless you" everytime they sneezes.

SuperWasian 0

Cut your own damn cucumbers.

put itching powder in his socks & underwear. :)

KattAlex 4

By asked do you actually mean demanded? I'm sorry but if you just had a big argument you shouldn't be asking for anything from each other especially if the issue wasn't completely resolved, which I'm assuming it wasn't, because you are both most likely on edge with each other. The best solution would be to stay away from each other until you both are at ease so you can discuss the issue calmly.

See, I would have come back with a cucumber and lovingly applied it, then when she complained I would have said "Your eyes? Eyes?? I thought you said you wanted it for your ass!"