By :( - 28/03/2014 20:25 - Sweden - Ume

Today, my grandma reduced me to a sobbing wreck in two short sentences, just to win a bet against my mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 709
You deserved it 4 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nevracceptdefeat 26

"No one in the family actually loves you. Also, you're a failed abortion." That's my guess, at least.


"I can twerk better than anybody here! Watch me!"

conman531 23

What on earth could she have said?

What did she say? Now I m curious...sorry OP

It must've hit pretty deep, and seemed all that not-surprising of her to say, maybe? Is it something like this? "You f-ing ****. Just like your mother." Sorry OP, that your life is a game for them. Get revenge on them?

Broscope 8

OP pls. What was the bet and what did she say?

What did she say? And what was the bet? More detail please...

suck up to her. gotta stay in the will somehow