By get me out of this house! - 03/03/2014 06:12 - United States

Today, my grandma begins her second week of unemployment. So far, she has paced outside my door, randomly comes into my room, and I woke up this morning to find a bible on my bed. I now look forward to going to work every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 578
You deserved it 3 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments


OP I completely understand, I'm in your situation currently...she created a Facebook, quilted me into accepting her, and yesterday (my bday) posted every single baby/childhood pic... just keep her away from a computer or it might get worse

Exactly why I blocked my grandmere on facebook. She just thinks I'm not "hip" and don't have one :P

Relf 19

Sounds more like a non-FML, who dosnt want motivation to go to work?

buy her some plants. maybe she can start a garden.

tehdarkness 21

How old are you? If you're an adult perhaps it's time to move!

Kuro_Kamen 12

How old is your grandma? The last two of my grandparents worked well into their 80s, and my grandpa still wants to do some minor yardwork after having a stroke more than a year ago.

She should try making snowflakes on the computer!

1st talk to your grandma that she makes you feel uncomfortable. 2. Talk to your parents. 3. get a lock even its against your parents will. Anyone has a right to privacy.

dannnngthatsux 19