By kdeeeceee - 05/11/2011 07:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a sexy picture of herself in my boxers. I thought it would be funny to take a picture of myself in the thong she left in my room and send it to her. She thought it would be funnier on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 378
You deserved it 50 074

Same thing different taste


swe3tsam22 0

Rule #1: Owwait, never mind. That's been said 1000 times before already. YDI!

What's worse: bring the shame through your girlfriend, who thaught it would be funny.

clementine00 1

Honestly, that is break up worthy. That is so messed up. You should definitely put every slutty picture she's ever sent to you up on Facebook.

AFlyingPenguin 2

hahahahahahahahahhaahah that blows bro.

you should just post the one she sent to you on fb

Note that thong as a reminder for 'A Certain Future Job'.

Well next time she sends you a candid photograph, you know where it's going!