By Anonymous - 11/02/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of a couple of months texted me that she was very sad because her puppy had just passed away. Feeling sorry for her, I bought her another puppy of the same breed. I wrapped it in a blanket and placed it on the passenger seat and went to pick her up from school. She sat on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 972
You deserved it 8 846

Same thing different taste


You should not have gotten her a pet so soon.

taylor9140 21

You bought her a puppy and shes still in school??

You're an idiot for leaving it inside the car while going inside to go get it... that makes no sense at all.

I'm seriously wanting to know if the puppy died.

Did it survive?????? I need a follow up!!!!!

WHAT. HOW CAN YOU SIT ON A ******* DOG AND NOT REALIZE THAT "OH SHIT, I'M ON A DOG." Also, doesn't anyone check the seat before they sit? Or is that just me?

you should know women don't look before they sit