By K-9cop - 09/09/2009 23:11 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me because I hadn't popped the question to her yet. For the last six months, I have been respectfully trying to convince her over protective father to give me his blessing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 010
You deserved it 5 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

make sure you tell her about her dad's refusal. Pour on the guilt! mwahahahaha

So when she broke up wiht you, you should have told her that. What the **** is wrong with you people, you let everybody ******* step on you and control your life. YOU DONT NEED HER FATHERS ******* BLESSING ANYWAY this is a free country and women do not need their fathers blessing, permission, or approval to do ANYTHING ESPECIALLY choose a man


He doesn't NEED the permission but he does WANT it to properly start a what hopefully would have been life-long relationship. Other than that I think trying that long is just looking for excuses to break up with the girl. Theres a certain point that you just go ahead, ask her then face her father together.

That's exactly it. It isn't like the man is asking the father to "sell" her to him like some people seem to think; he's acknowledging that he is going to replace the father as the most important man in her life, and he wants the father to accept that and give up the position gracefully by blessing their union. He doesn't need the father's approval, but he wants his acceptance. I think this would pave the way for a mutually respectful relationship with the in-laws.

Aw man... first, asking the parents? really? Ask your girlfriend and let her help you with her parents. Second... Two years and she already wants to marry? I've been with my boyfriend for two years and a half and dude, although we like to talk about it we hadn't decided it thoroughly. Being married so soon, so young, it's not a clever thing.

BikerMike 0

The **** did you need his blessing for? Is he the Pope?

Intellectualist 0

Haha, that's funny, but the pope is not allowed to pass sperm. I'm a girl, I dont think that it's sexist to get a father's blessing, in fact I think it's quite sweet. It HAS to be hard to ask a father anyway, let alone an over protective one.

For once, DameGreyWulf, I agree with your comments, haha. There's nothing wrong with asking the dad, gosh. It's just a courtesy thing, and many women do expect their parents to be asked...not in a "giving away" sense but just as a sort of acceptance into the family. Way to be uptight about it, Lacey. Next you're going to say that holding the door open for the ladies is sexist too?

Oh, so he was a pussy for not asking her immediately? What does that make her? Surely you haven't missed comment #12? =) I think you're the sexist here, not the OP.

fake, even the biggest idiot would then tell her that you wanted to propose but her father wouldn't give his permission. that'd solve the problem. fool

Although I agree you don't need the parents permission to get married, most women want their fathers to like the men they intend to marry. Besides, it's a sign of respect to the family to inform the father. If the femnazis don't agree who really gives a shit? Not like it's ever gonna happen to them unless they go to marry a "guy" named Pat or Sam.