By HotCurry - 05/09/2009 04:57 - United States

Today, my girlfriend, her grandma, and I were leaving her house to eat lunch. I stubbed my toe on the door while exiting. It hurt, so I stood there shortly in pain. I heard my girlfriend's grandma call me a "pansy". I later saw blood and took off my shoe. My whole toenail had come off of my big toe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 162
You deserved it 3 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeez, and still some people think you deserve it. D:

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

That's so gross. It really hurts too. But you must have hit your foot pretty hard to make the whole toenail come off! Ugh. It makes me sick just thinking about that image. Gross. ):


i once got my finger stuck in a car door and it ripped off the nail and i had to get stitches! then when my nail grew back it had a groove down the middle.

are you stupid? It says clearly in the fml that he 'took off his shoe...' READ

OptimusSlime 23

Am I the only clutching my toenails now?

Jeez, and still some people think you deserve it. D:

No matter how bad the FML is, there's always gonna be some who click YDI, and vice versa. I'd LOVE to see an FML entry unanimously voted one way or the other! It would be the eighth wonder of the world! Or ninth, whatever...

I hit YDI because I'm pretty sure it's fake. How hard would you have to stub your toe to break off your whole nail, especially on your big toe? Could you even do that with a shoe on? If the OP wasn't wearing shoes yet, would there not immediately have been blood?

xero_art 0

i snagged my nail on a couch last week (no shoes) and didn't notice till a few minutes later....its possible he was wearing sandals and just didn't look down

i know right! this could, in no way, be a ydi. that would be a ninth wonder, i bet they'd even add it to world history curriculums.

You're a ******* asshole #67. Why the hell would you YDI a post because you THINK it's fake? You're just pissed off because all the fake posts you submit are denied, just like all the other hypocrites. I'd like to see you stub your toe the same way the OP did. Go eat a camel spider.

christa953 12

It can happen. My mom has done it before and it was not pretty.

narla_hotep 9

I've actually done something similar before, but I was wearing flip-flops and the toenail didn't come off immediately. I guess I can see it happening while wearing real shoes, but the OP must have stubbed their toe pretty damn hard for the entire nail to come off at once!

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

That's so gross. It really hurts too. But you must have hit your foot pretty hard to make the whole toenail come off! Ugh. It makes me sick just thinking about that image. Gross. ):

the_stereotype 0

it doesn't hurt bad enough to write an FML about it. just clean it up and put some gauze on it.

Yes it does. I've lost a toenail before, not by stubbing it, but by going to a show in flip-flops and having someone slide their foot backwards onto my foot and them ripping my big toenail right off. It's excruciating and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain.

yeah yor nails are attached to nerves and if your remove the toenail your ripping it off the nerve not yo mention your removing it from your skin also if she called you a pansy por your blood into her food and when she gags calll her a pansy.

Gonzolove, my toe started hurting and my eyes started watering when I read what you wrote. I don't even want to imagine how that felt.

This girl looks like the psycho girlfriend meme girl

that happened to my brother a few years ago. he running barefoot in our backyard and stubbed his toe on the brick path. Not a pretty site. :( fyl a lot.

Offer to cook dinner later. Grind up the toenail and put it in her food. Tell her when she's completely finished. Call her a pansy if she complains or vomits etc.

LOL, yeah, revenge is sweet! OP: Ouch! Too bad. Get well soon ;p

He shouldve done it... Am i really replying to a comment from 5 years ago?

Imrickjamesbitch 0

Ouch, that has happened to me and it's preeeeeeety painful. FYL!

Sadly they don't always grow back :( My poor wee son will forever have only 9 toenails. Pass me a bad parent award for letting a toddler play with bricks: it was never going to end well.