By BaldingQuick - 02/02/2010 07:34 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. This was after I saved several paychecks to afford to give her a weekend away for her birthday. Why did she end things so quick? Because apparently I'm balding faster than her Dad. I'm 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 559
You deserved it 2 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She only wants you for your looks... what a bitch. Luckily you saved your money.

You can use the money you saved on her birthday to buy hair regrowing products. Then get a new girfriend and make sure your ex sees the her and your rich, thick, lush new head of hair.


CTosh 0

If she dumped you for a stupid reason like that, then she's a shallow moron who's not worth it. If I were you, I'd use that cash to give myself a vacation and forget about her.

hey atleast you got all that money saved

buy an xbox, allready have one? then buy another console and have fun with what is now your money!

My ex was more than half bald at 22. I loved him to death, he's the one that left me... Don't feel bad. You'll find a girl who doesn't mind. Or maybe even thinks it's cute.

So use that money for Rogaine or hair implants?

#59.... shut up, your one of those people that should never post comments

what does hair have anything to do in a relationship. it's not ur hair ******* her. as long as u got a dick, she shud be around. dumb $

Although I agree balding is a stupid reason to leave someone, having sex is not the only reason to stay..

Well that's ur fault for being so damn ugly