By vanillaforme - 27/07/2013 23:07 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my girlfriend and I attempted some bondage for the first time. Within seconds of the handcuffs being put on, I went into a serious panic attack. I was playing the dominant; my girlfriend was the one in cuffs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 086
You deserved it 15 610

vanillaforme tells us more.

Hey, OP here. Here are some more details, for those curious: - All FMLs must begin with the word "Today", but this actually happened a couple of years ago. My GF and I are still together. - Yes, it was a full-blown panic attack, and the only one I've ever had in my life. Never having experienced one before, I thought it was something like a heart attack. What got edited out of the FML was that we actaully called paramedics and I ended up in emergency. - We got the handcuffs off and some normal clothes on my GF (I was already fully clothed) before the paramedics arrived, so there was no need for embarrassing explanations. For a minute though, it was a real concern. - I still don't know what exactly the trigger was. Both my GF and I were pretty nervous and weren't really enjoying ourselves. (We should have stopped when it was clear that neither of us really wanted to continue, but we figured we would try anyway.) I think her anxiety contributed to mine, eventually leading to the panic attack. - We *did* try again a few weeks afterward, when we were both much more "in the mood." No panic attack that time, but we pretty much confirmed that neither of us liked being restrained before or during sex. We both had fantasies about this sort of thing, which is what led us to try it in the first place, but reality proved much different than our imaginations. - For those wondering, they were simple police-style handcuffs, not anything specifically made for bondage play.

Top comments

It's good you guys were spicing things up, and now you know your limits and that next time you should show some... Restraint.

As long as you have the key you are fine. Pro-tip: start panicking when the key is gone.


LuckBeNimble 19

OP is Canadian. *badum tsss*

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

I love ur little mad kitty cat pic lol.

Hahahahahahahahaha dont wanna be mean but THAT was ******* hilarious

hcollins1 18

Number 32, how is it being mean when you tell them that their comment is hilarious? Thats why they commented, and you didn't even have to comment! theres a button for that. If you're talking about the FML, you commented in the wrong area.

We're nice people up here. Now go make me a sandwich you son of ;) HAHA. You folks thought I was going to say

We're nice people eh? I live in this nice igloo. Got my maple syrup and pet beaver watching hockey while playing lacrosse

DKjazz 20

What about your pet moose, and your day job as a lumberjack, which you get to by dogsled?

58, how do you know hes not a mountie? somehow after proof reading my comment I took it as a double entendre

at least you will never be a rapist !

salazara 10

It's good you guys were spicing things up, and now you know your limits and that next time you should show some... Restraint.

Is it weird that I thought OP panicking was cute? You don't hear a man panic over cuffs in bed everyday.

shan88 14

15 I completely agree, I also had the thought that he really cares for his partner and didn't want to see her that way

Try to imagine her without the cuffs? I'm sorry if I sound dumb. I have no experience with this. I'm only 17.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

maybe he was trying to be a regular fml commenter.

Actually the two ducks come before the goose.

It's a she, but wait, it gets worse... she's a pegasister!

57- Three notes for you: 1. Don't use that word. We're all bronies alike 2. Don't say it like it's a bad thing. That's getting really old. 3. Don't be a twat. You know that wasn't relavent.

89 - she said pegasister in her profile. But 57 is being dumb. He says "it's a she" like it's a bad thing because after that he said "it gets worse." Besides, there's nothing wrong with liking My Little Pony.

Wtf?! I tried calculating how big of a tangent this thread went off on on my graphing calculator and it exploded.

The whole point is to make her go mad; not you.

As long as you have the key you are fine. Pro-tip: start panicking when the key is gone.

Pro-tip #3: respect the safety word

Soniye 14

Pro-tip #4: Never lose the spare key.

Pro-tip #5 if prone to losing things use fake hand cuffs instead of real one's

Pwn17 25

Pro-tip #7: Keep a spare helmet.

threer 30

Pro-tip #8: Never lose the spare helmet.

Neyuu 18

Pro tip #9: if prone to losing things, use a fake helme-- wait that's not right..

Pro-tip #10never forget the safety word

Pro-Tip #11- Do not forget the safety word. If she starts screaming random words like "Rubarb, Celery, Couch, Plateau", She forgot the safety word.

Pro-Tip #12: remember to cuff her BEFORE you stuff her.

You should try the cuffs, sounds like being submissive is your thing.

Try seeing if your part in the relationship is being submissive. Knowing your roles in the relationship will make you both happier

What if she cuffs him and then plays with herself across the room, way out of arm's reach? Gotta raise the submissive stakes, right?

spiritfang11237 16

^wait...i thought that was the point. O.o maybe it is just me but that just makes me excited and shows that i am at the mercy of the dom...>.

Oh man you think you are worried now, wait till she cuffs you to the bed and starts water boarding you. It's like the best role playing ever.

sptriangle 16

Were they pink fuzzy cuffs?

Maybe it's just me but I like my black leather ones with the spikes better than my boyfriends pink fuzzy ones any day.

Pro tip: Don't take shirtless pictures if you don't have a nice body.

SerenaSerenadex3 13

Maybe you guys should try it the other way around. Keep trying, OP :)

perdix 29

I don't think B&D is an alternative sex lifestyle for someone prone to panic attacks. Scat would be an even worse choice. Stick with the good ol' foot fetish -- the worst-case scenario can probably fixed with a little fungicide.