By noname - 29/12/2008 06:09 - France

Today, my flatmate was listening to opera on full volume all afternoon and now he's playing James Bond on the trumpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 083
You deserved it 3 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursavinggrace 0

Pft, I wish I could play James Bond on the trumpet.

Eir_fml 1

I agree with 2 and 3, that sounds pretty cool.


Try having a best guy friend playing random marches-a different one every week! and before Christmas, he played.... Rudolph. Over and over. :P well we ARE both in band... It's a requirement at my school. and you can't quit. you have to be kicked out.

Mine listens to Hannah Montana, care to trade?

MCRpoison2016 0

James Bond? he sounds like an interesting guy.

Narwhal234 6

Play "Never Gonna Give You Up" really loud over and over again. See what happens.

shitwit2234 0

Take a shit right in the big opening of his trumpet. Thatll show him