By Anonymous - 14/10/2017 20:00

Today, I offered to let my niece and brother stay at my apartment, as my brother was going through a rough divorce and had lost his job. After coming home from work, I found my niece had snapped all of my pencils and had ruined over ten years worth of artwork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 627
You deserved it 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey, bro? When you get back from wherever you were instead of keeping an eye on your kid, you may wonder why her hind end is glowing so brightly, people who see it think Gondor is calling for aid. Well...let me tell you..."

I wouldn't blame OP if he gave those ungrateful losers the boot. If this is how they act in the early days of this huge favor, how bad will it get once they start taking if for granted!?


"Hey, bro? When you get back from wherever you were instead of keeping an eye on your kid, you may wonder why her hind end is glowing so brightly, people who see it think Gondor is calling for aid. Well...let me tell you..."

Yeah because child abuse will so improve that situation

exileonmainst 16

Did you try to snap a pencil in anger but then got even angrier because they were all snapped?

I wouldn't blame OP if he gave those ungrateful losers the boot. If this is how they act in the early days of this huge favor, how bad will it get once they start taking if for granted!?

It depends on whether or not his brother let the girl do that. She is just a kid and hopefully they try to make it up to him somehow.

“Misery loves company” And if the company finds out you’re not miserable, they’ll fix that!

Starting to wonder if his lack of parenting skills had anything to do with the divorce.

It’s also possible the niece has some anger or emotional issues resulting from her parents’ divorce. There’s not enough details to really judge the brother’s parenting skills—we don’t know how old she is, if her father was at home with her when this happened, or how he reacted. On the face of it, it kind of seems like he ****** up, but if the niece is living with her unemployed, and technically homeless father, you kind of have to wonder what the situation with mom is like. Either way, sounds like OP got a pretty shit deal.

Oh, snap! But honestly, how old is your niece?

Lobby_Bee 17

Shouldn't be a problem, just switch to poop!

staticballoons 5

What kind of a passive aggressive monster does that?!

That child isn't handling the divorce well.

No joke if this happened I would kick them out....