By ellisp1 - 04/07/2017 22:10

Today, my family was going to go out on a boat to celebrate Independence Day. We agreed we'd be at the marina by 11:45 AM. It's currently 1:45 PM and half of the family is still asleep while two are nursing hangovers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 200
You deserved it 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ironically, your day is ruined because you are dependent on those shit people! "When in the course of human events, ..."


Uralriver 10

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Show it anyway
gobiteme2 34

And you are standing there why.

davek 36

Bloody traitors, throwing perfectly good tea into the harbour and all that. God Save the Queen!

Ironically, your day is ruined because you are dependent on those shit people! "When in the course of human events, ..."

Am I the only one who thinks the writer actually had a fun family? ?

Stealthninjaa 19

This post seems more like a "MLIA".

RollingToTheTop 4

**I thought that was what the whole holiday was about. Oh, wait. Fireworks?**

smartjaguargurl 17

That's when you go without them. **** them. Don't let it ruin your day.

Lol damn and I thought my my family sucked At punctuality lol