By parkinglotslayer - 11/06/2009 02:28 - United States

Today, my family and I were parking downtown when my sister yelled to watch out for a man approaching our car. I see him pull something from his pocket. I yell "It's a knife, don't roll down the window!" It was a pen, he was the parking attendant and the window was already rolled down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 004
You deserved it 47 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

C_Wicked27 0

And let me guess, you guys were about to floor it to your gated community after all that, weren't you? I know that according to the news, the amount of people randomly murdering other people has dramatically risen in recent years, but that isn't true. In fact, violent crime has dropped pretty substantially across the country in most cases. On the other hand though, media coverage of violent crime in recent years has skyrocketed. Basically, what I'm trying to say is.... STOP BEING SO ******* PARANOID.


hahaha this was too ******* funny! xD

Rainkicksu 0

LOL, **** his life. That made me laugh so hard.

live in the burbs? yeah I thought so.

jessica2244 0

well they are electing just anyone for president he might have a shot at it

well if he was black then it makes sense to think that…

How do you mistake a pen for a knife? Let me guess you were doing valet parking.