By Sid - 10/04/2011 00:58 - United States

Today, my dog was barking at a squirrel in the yard. I opened the door to let him chase the squirrel. I went to look at the dead squirrel and found out it was the neighbor's chihuahua. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 696
You deserved it 41 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chihuahuas don't really look like squirrels. Giant demon rats, on the other hand...


thaney18 0

Poor doggy... My cousin has a chi but this one is huge! It would have killed your dog instead. Seriously lol

Why would you let your dog outside to chase a squirrel if you knew s/he was going to kill it?

I don't care about the dog, but the squirrel? asshole.

damned city boy gotta learn some basic animal differences. or watch "Legally blonde" that should help. I live on an island&i still know the difference between a chiuaua and a squirrel. I only seen a squirrel ONCE in my life too, and that's when I visited the mainland.

Sprocket 5

Is today "wish I wuz gangsta" day?

catalin 0

OP, you're a jackass. You let your dog run after and probably kill a squirell, well knowing it. You deserve what you got instead.

sincerely331 0

Animals and insects are two different things & aren't even in the same category. Killing an insect is fine cause there nasty & yucky, but killing an animal is not cool.

Bugs are from the class Insecta, which is in the kingdom ANIMALIA. What the **** do you think insects are? Plants? Please take a basic biology course.

So I suppose it's fine for someone to kill you if they think that you're "nasty & yucky" ?

thats what Bush did to half a million Iraqies and 5000 American soldiers..

So, if you had a kid that was yucky and gross, I can squish him, right?

kinsheck8 0

omg that's horrible lol poor chiauau