By good_gravy - 20/02/2012 19:39 - United States

Today, my dog threw up on my bed while I was sleeping. I lost an hour of the day washing the vomit out with a rag, and my garbage disposal jammed on whatever otherworldly things my dog ate the day before. I had to dig it out by hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 216
You deserved it 3 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

man, being a dog would be quite the life. while you're cleaning up the mess they made, he/she is probably relaxing on the couch licking their privates

theWINDOWmonster 3

Why would you put it in the disposal? As opposed to something that makes more sense, like ohh.. the trash?


linkinpark98 23

You could have used an unwanted utensil of some sort?.…

Should've just washed the sheets your dog barfed on. It would've saved a lot of time

PeguinSpid 1

Oh God, the same thing happened to me a few years back.

I'm sorry but, ydi. For one, rags do not go into garbage disposal's, and you lost just an hour of the day? Well, more for the garbage incident, I think. You did at least use some gloves to clean out the disposal, right?

And this why I don't keep pets inside my house (:

lemonsquid 6

YDI for owning one of those filthy things to begin with, but also for being so stupid that you did not monitor what garbage that stupid thing was eating. Dogs do not have our level of intelligence. They eat food they should not and eat many things that are not even food because they know no better. If you are going to take on the responsibility for one of these vile creatures, then you have to constantly monitor everything they are doing for their own safety. This is one reason why I would never want a dog; I don't want to waste my life constantly supervising it so it doesn't eat something it shouldn't, chew something it shouldn't, piss or shit on something it shouldn't, et cetera.

I like dogs more than people like you, just saying. I will happily love upon my wonderful dog I cannot even imagine not having him. At least my dog loves all people, you wouldnt even show the same to such an innocent being, makes the dog better than you

onealmxwilson 18

Like anyone actually cares about your opinion of dogs. Most people love them and have one themselves so why would you post such a long comment explaining why you hate them? It's like asking to be thumbed down and for people to hate you.

dude...that goes in the trash, outside. you really want to be tossing puke around where you cook? FYL indeed...