By Jenna - 03/07/2012 23:20 - United Kingdom - Reading

Today, my dad was driving me home and was angrily explaining how my boyfriend was a bad influence and that he was hanging out with the wrong crowd. After finally convincing him to give him another chance, we stopped at a traffic light just in time to see my boyfriend being chased by police. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 737
You deserved it 38 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

egc573 40

Well, your dad certainly can't deny that your boyfriend has impeccable timing.


lmao..guess it's a classic case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time!

I guess its time to re-think where that relationship is headed.

I belive right now it's being chased by the cops

omg, Do process people! Innocent until proven guilty! You should at least get his side of the story.. maybe he's secretly an undercover cop and he was running with the police after someone else!

EvilDave 13

He is running from the law. That in and of itself is a crime.

McNerdyNerd 8 far away from this boy. First he coreupts himself, then he corrupts you. You're better than this :)

noisebox 1

You should listen to your dad, all daughters should listen to their fathers, as father knows best....