By Anonymous - 05/03/2016 05:57 - United States - Hudsonville

Today, my dad thought it was perfectly acceptable to ask my girlfriend how many guys she screwed before me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 070
You deserved it 1 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She gets bonus points if her answer involved a fraction or decimal.


If a person can't ask their partner about their past sex life, they probably shouldn't be in a relationship.

This is the real answer reasoning, here. I personally feel like it's an akward question to ask in any setting to anyone, let alone a young lady you've just met.

diego92 13

What about how many girls have you screwed?

Wait... You're telling me that isn't appropriate dinner conversation?

ImGoth 15

He's probably trying to make sure she's not a *****

Well don't leave us hanging. How many was it?

better that then him asking if he could be an addition to that number.