By quickfingers100 - 22/05/2011 09:31 - United Kingdom

Today, my Dad married his fiancée, who insists I call her "mom". I'm three years older than her, and went to the same high school. She's taking me shopping next week to buy me something "nice". FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 376
You deserved it 4 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CateXOX 0

I think your dad has some serious issues...

whatever. She can't control what comes out of your mouth.


jokerrose57 0

move in with your mom... I have a feeling he's going to ask for a threesome or something... MOVE IN WITH MOM!

keevarou u commented under the wrong comment and WTF man?! sex with his own daughter. that's disgusting. your disgusting

jokerrose57 0

I rarely go on this so. Fml :P

bAbafnwjab WTF threesomes are nasty I wld knowww

i_love_grrr 0

that is when i would get up and just glare at her lol

Well at least she'll have modern taste.

CateXOX 0

20- I think they've already left highschool, but that would be extremely awkward if they still went to the same one!

so? let her be your mummy...ask for a raise in your allowance when she takes you out, make her tuck you in at, you can milk the hell out of this...


Spend all of her stripper money on clothes when she takes you out to buy you something "nice".

FreebirdIII 1

Oh, Who's your Momma. That is funny. Your Dad rocks by the way.

not really just means he is kinda... pervish yea that's the word

ydnar 5

I can see her saying isn't it past your bedtime young lady????