By Anonymous - 03/02/2012 08:12 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad killed my pet rats. They were playing on the sofa, and he thought they were vermin. This would have been understandable if the reason he came over wasn't to meet them, and they hadn't been wearing bright pink walking harnesses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 006
You deserved it 7 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dad is a bit of an asshole, isn't he?

So2011 4

Those rats were obviously pets because of their harnesses. I have never seen a sewer rat or any other kind wearing a harness. Very rude of your dad.


Good for your dad. They are disease ridden rodents not pets.

You're an idiot. What OP probably had were DOMESTICATED RATS, as in the ones you can actually pet and keep. Not the ones you find in the ******* sewer. Learn a bit, will you ****-face?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Your ignorance is showing, #131. They're completely different species than wild rats - cleaner than cats and more intelligent than dogs.

He is obviously an idiot but do you actually walk your ******* rats?

I have two pet rats. My mom got 5 of them for food for my pet snake but we couldnt kill them so we gave 3 away and kept the other 2. I love them! They are so adorable! Im sorry for your loss.

omg that is aweful ); but how the hell did you get the harnesses on them? My rats HATE those things

That's horrible, rats are such sweet affectionate pets, I'd never forgive my Dad if he killed mine ):

first off it's weird that your dad came over to meet your rats, 2nd why the hell would The have walking harnesses? Rats aren't the type of animal you "walk"

I'm so sorry --- what a horrible thing to happen to your little ratties - I bet they were adorable in their little harnesses! I hope your dad feels like a heel!

happilyever2012 6

Why were you having pet rats in the first place?

chubby_choco 17

Do some research before you ask a stupid question like that. Rats are highly intelligent and can develop a strong bond to their owners.