By Samantha - 13/03/2012 17:59 - Canada

Today, my dad insisted on having a family movie night. He chose the movies Jaws and Mayday. I'm going on a diving expedition tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 985
You deserved it 2 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That bites. But, hey, have fun on the dive!

As long as you're not on your period you should be fine!


If you are attacked, throw your air tank into the shark's mouth, then shoot the tank from a safe distance. Shark go boom!

Those r'nt the worst movies he could have shown u think about how it would be 2 show the happy tree friends to a 2 y old (if u dont no the happy tree friends look them up on u tube)

Jaws isn't that scary anyways. And whoever you're going with wouldn't take you to a part of the ocean where there are known to be a lot of sharks lurking around.

Tritribaby 0

Not unless they hated the person ....murder without the jailtime(;

bizarre_ftw 21

Jaws is the saddest, most pathetic representation of great whites (don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but don't for the life of you take it for fact). For one thing, they almost Never attack humans, but when they do it's often just a "hmm, what is this?" bite, and 90% of the time it's a bodyboarder because the board and the arms and legs hanging over the side resemble a seal body, and testing bites are almost never fatal, and it's unlikely for them to come back.

bizarre_ftw 21

Look at it this way, can you taste the difference between shrimp and chicken? Fish and beef? So can they. They don't Want to eat us, and 99.9% of the time they won't. Also, if you're going on a diving trip and you're afraid you likely aren't That experienced, therefore you'll likely be in relatively shallow waters, and great whites are Huge, therefore you have a better chance of meeting the little mermaid than a great white in roughly shallow waters, you should be fine in and around a coral reef or something of the like. If you meet Any sharks they'll most likely be reef sharks or basking sharks, and they're not computer programmed killers, they're creatures. They aren't always looking to eat, and as far as signs to look out for, a good rule of thumb is a more or less straight, relaxed body, and roughly level fins is okay, an arched back and lowered fins means you've made the shark uncomfortable, likely by entering their territory, just move away.

bizarre_ftw 21

There are other creatures in the sea, if sharks killed like nuclear bombs do you think that would be possible? Also, back on jaws, the shark was a grossly over exaggerated size that was impossibly fast, not remotely possible. Basically you'll be fine, just stick with your guide and enjoy the beauty and wonder of the ocean

hateevryone 14

im sure he didn't do it to be malicious.

Think about it like this, Shark attacks are rarer than lightning hitting a person! You will be fine, keep in mind both those movies are science fiction.

russianraccoon 0