By lonely - 01/08/2010 04:10 - United States

Today, my dad brought me home after I was in the hospital for a week. He gets me to my room, hands me a glass of water and some granola bars, then leaves me on my own so he can go play golf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 751
You deserved it 4 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he not only brought you home, but also gave you some sustenance. Maybe I'm just odd, but I wouldn't expect my Dad to stay with me if I was alright. I mean, if you were unable to carry on by yourself, like you just had surgery and were not able to move or some similar scenario, then that's ****** up. Other than that, it really doesn't sound too bad.

monnanon 13

OP your dad shouldn't have left you on your own, he doesn't need to sit and hold your hand or anything but he at least needs to be in shouting distance incase something happens. Golf is just a waste of a good walk anyways, I'm sure it could have waited.


well he gave you food and water so he must hav thought it was okay. He probably was stressed from you being in the hospital a week so now that you're well enough to be home he's taking a break. And you obviously have a computer or phone to keep you enertained if you submitted this Fml.

skyeyez9 24

When I came home from the hospital after having my knee reconstructed, I mostly slept for two days. Being on powerful pain meds knock you out. As long as you didn't have a serious surgery where you needed to have your airway cleared frequently or high risk, this isn't a big deal.

sallen0046 4

I don't see how this is an fml at all. He brought you home, he helped you to your room and made sure you were comfortable. He brought you a drink and some snacks in case you got hungry. If you required constant attention, you would not have been discharged from the hospital. Him sitting around staring at you all day isn't going to help you heal faster. You haven't indicated in any way that you're not medically allowed to do anything for yourself, and even if that was the case surely you can survive a couple hours on your own while he has some time alone. If you'd ever had to spend a week sitting in waiting rooms and visiting people you can provide absolutely no help to you'd understand how stressful and emotionally draining it is and why he'd need this time.

mcrluverchick 9

are all of you really this ignorant?? no one wants to be left by themselves after just getting back from surgery. it's not like you're magically all better and everything is fine just because you left the hospital. for everyone I know that had surgery (myself included, last week), it is very hard to move around and do normal everyday activites and you are in very much pain. you really need someone around to help you, especially the first few days. especially if it was server enough that op had to stay in the hospital a week. you can't expect to stay in the hospital forever until you're all healed up, it doesn't work that way. sorry op, that was really inconsiderate of your father :/

DareToDream7 0

I agree 100%! I am AMAZED at how many people are saying that the OP is needy because she needs her father around right after surgery. I'm 5 weeks post-op after invasive jaw surgery and I remember the first couple of weeks like it was yesterday. I was in the hospital for 2 day and even though I was okay to leave (I was not FINE though, I was just well enough not to be on oxygen, IV, and have constant attention) I did not feel fine. I felt nauseous, I was in serious pain, and I was in so much discomfort. I don't think I would have survived without my parents there. I cried more during those two weeks that I have in my entire life together. Are you all so heartless that you can't understand how hard it is to be alone after being in the hospital? Its terrible! I am appallled. I want to see ALL of you go through surgery, stay in the hospital for a week, then get dumped at home by your father while he goes play golf. You can't move around, I couldn't eat, hell, I had to eat through a syringe!! And I didn't want anything! I was so dehydrated, I could have ended up in the hospital again. I was out of breath going up the stairs, that's how weak I was. God, none of you deserve to LIVE, or even have a heart, you clearly don't use it. Show some compasion for once in your lives, pricks.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

so, with all that text you want to say that you're a pussy too? I had several surgeries, one that made me unable to move for two months. You know what I did? I sucked it up. You little crybaby you.

your dad is really nice already ur life is not f*cked up


how old are 2 you need your daddy to watch you?

rocker_chick23 27

How old are you that you're too much of a lazy **** to write out to? Only 6 year olds use the number 2 to replace the word