Alexa, play "I'm Not In Love" by 10CC

By sucker - 07/09/2019 17:01 - United States - Duluth

Today, I went on a date I was really enjoying. My ex-boyfriend called halfway through. When I answered, he told me he wanted to get back together and couldn’t stop thinking about me. I didn’t realize my phone was on speaker. My date heard everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 676
You deserved it 2 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm curious, Why pick up a call from an ex on such a good date?

And why answer the phone via speaker when on a date???


I'm curious, Why pick up a call from an ex on such a good date?

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

because she still loves them ...

julfunky 29

If she still loves him and wants him enough that she’d ruin her date just to talk to him then him “confessing” isn’t an FML for her. Just an FML for the guy who had a rude ass date.

And why answer the phone via speaker when on a date???

damonic666 1

maybe dont answer your ex while on a date? what part of that seemed like a good idea unless you want to get back together with them

tounces7 27

What do you mean you "didn't realize your phone was on speaker"? How do you NOT realize the volume is so much higher and broadcasting to those around you?

The Ultimate Tiny Shrimp 2

Not going to lie but you did deserve it, next time I suggest you don't answer your ex on a date, and if you do, be more aware if its on speaker or not, just some tips for the future honey

YDI. Unless it's an emergency then there is no reason to answer your phone while on a date.

Ok, who has that song in their head right now? Big boys don't cry... Also, YDI OP. Don't answer your phone on a date, especially from an ex. What were you thinking?

Why would you pick up the phone on a date you're enjoying? I only pick up the phone on a date I'm NOT enjoying, even if no one is calling. "What?!?! You're in the hospital? You're saying I need to ditch my date and stiff her with the check? I'm on my way!"

I hope he left you with the bill, because you deserve that, along with the humiliation.

You deserve it, let me count the ways ...