By Anonymous - 26/10/2014 03:28 - United States - Salem

Today, my brother got upset at his video game and flung his DS at the wall, just as I was walking by. I got knocked out to the sound of someone crossing the finish line in MarioKart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 195
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursucklives 36

sounds like he has some anger issues. aaaaand i can imagine that a nintendo ds can leave a nice mark on your face. hope it's only a minor injury!


PrincessesCrown 17

I understand your brothers frustration Rainbow Road makes me very upset too.

SystemofaBlink41 27

More like FHL! Do you know how frustrating MarioKart can be?? Have some sympathy, OP, geez...

GamerPerson 19

If you are at the point where you throw you system across the room it's time for one of two things: A. Time to stop playing Or B. Get into anger management classes. And before you ask, yes, I HAVE played it. It's annoying as **** to be shrunk, red shelled AND blue shelled all at the same time. Do I bitch about it? Hell yeah, I do! But I'm not going to break my shit over it because then that'll be money out of MY pocket to pay something that I should be about to control. The point is: Games are fun, but they all have those frustratingly hard parts in them. If you don't go into a game with this in mind, considered yourself ******.

That sounds like something my brother would do XD

Here's a short haiku about Mario Kart: Are you kidding me? Who the **** threw that blue shell? I will **** you up! Hope you weren't hurt that bad, OP. I also hope your brother got in trouble for that.

yzzami 17

That is an expensive thing your brother is trying to break..

His actions are justified. That game is rage inducing