By HellCat44 - 26/08/2016 09:59 - United Kingdom - Dartford
HellCat44 tells us more.
OP, here. Once, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. It was hot so I cracked a window to let in fresh air. Somehow that was indecent and I got yelled at, and he's been on my case ever since.
Top comments
Maybe you got some birds living in these trees that happen to be perverts.
in Soviet Russia, bird watch you
Does he like... Watch you undress to make sure you're not by Windows ? How would and obsession like this even work? How does he know when you're undressing ?
yes? answers are needed.
Now that you mention it this makes sence, why and how could one get soooo obsessed over this
why would this comment be at all offensive? It's a serious question.... like why does this guy know when his daughter is naked unless HE is the one watching her
Five meters is tall enough to climb with a good pair of binoculars. Your dad probably did that as a teenager, so he's being preemptive.
Or, maybe he said, "be a bear" in front of the window and you have the family curse! Teen Bear. And then, 'Teen Bear, Too' comes out about your cousin.
I just realized that I referenced two Michael J Fox movies in a row.
you also just replied to your own comment twice in a row. well done.
I'd assume it's 5 meters thick of trees
Window peeping is unfortunately common, and being in a wooded area would honestly make it easier for someone to get to viewing height unseen. That said, your dad is still being overprotective if he's truly obsessing over it, as well as unfair if he lets any of your siblings (if you have any) walk around in any state of undress.
If you're naked in the woods with no one around to see, were you really naked at all?
Almost all men believe in premarital sex. that changes when their first daughter is born. He knows how guys think, and doesn't want guys treating his daughter like chopped liver....
...looking at her with a disgusted face and trying to avoid her as much as possible? That's what I do with chopped liver.
OP, here. Once, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. It was hot so I cracked a window to let in fresh air. Somehow that was indecent and I got yelled at, and he's been on my case ever since.
He doesn't mean any harm, but he is and always has been a helicopter parent.
You shower naked? You dirty harlot!
you do live in Kent, I'm pretty sure he's trying to fit in with the 'local culture'.
Monitoring your showers? Ugh. Don't know for sure but ... He definitely is far too interested in your body parts. I wouldn't remove a stitch unless I knew he was out the door. Creepy af.
Who said anything about monitoring her showers? Maybe i read it wrong but I didn't get that from what she said.
He's just looking out for you. I'm a father as well and there are so many pervert stories that we get it in our heads that we need to protect our daughters from those people. The kinds of people who'd watch girls with bad intentions.
OP might I suggest sheer curtains? Sparkly white ones with like cross stitching do a good enough job during the day and they let breezes through when the window is open. Drawing the blinds in the evening is a good habit to get into. My mom was more concerned than my dad was about this growing up and that's what she taught me. Good luck
Ned flanders bathes in his shorts so he doesn't see his own dingaling, perhaps op should try that sometime
I mean, I completely understand that he wants to protect you and make sure nothing happens to you but it's the PERVERT'S fault, not yours if anything like that were to happen. I don't think this is intentional but he's basically shaming you for being a woman. Though I do agree, maybe getting some curtains can help your dad chill out
I've read of stalking/murder cases that started out like this. Mostly murder mystery novels but still... This sounds like merely a healthy dose of paranoia. It isn't a bad idea to take your father's advice, especially if you are as isolated from public view as it sounds. That just makes your house an easier target.
Your dad probably saw you, or came very close to seeing you, accidentally when he was outside. Even though it would have been completely innocent he is probably embarrassed that it happened and not able to tell you that it happened. But is now worried that it might happen again and that it will be some creeper next time.
uhhhh, yikes? I'm sorry your dad is being so weird. Maybe you could ask him to get you curtains and then he'll chill.
You shower naked? You dirty harlot!
Your dad probably saw you, or came very close to seeing you, accidentally when he was outside. Even though it would have been completely innocent he is probably embarrassed that it happened and not able to tell you that it happened. But is now worried that it might happen again and that it will be some creeper next time.