By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, my brother found 100 bucks in his coat pocket. He was so happy he bought 2 new games for his x-box. He was borrowing my coat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 596
You deserved it 8 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why someone keeps $100 in their coat pocket is beyond me.


#31. it's not call of duty mw2. issues with activision, treyarch, and iw caused iw to remove the cod tag from the game, although it is still ultimately part of the franchise. official box just says mw2. be educated before you post

#48 If you're going to act like a pompous asshole, at least put in the effort to make sure you're right. The name is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It does have CoD in it's name. Its been confirmed by IW's director of communications, Robert Bowling. Be educated before you post.

girlygirl666 0

What did # 6 say? I guess it got deleted? I've never seen the entire thing deleted before.

What the **** are you doing leaving a $100 bill in your coat pocket? $5, 10, 20... understandable, but $100? You're either an idiot or loaded enough that it doesn't matter.

Make him pay you back. Duh. Do I need to spell it out for you?

Maybe his brother "borrowed it" without permission, thinking that the OP wouldn't mind. Maybe they borrow eachother's jackets or whatever often?

deliapearl 0

finders keepers...keep it in your pants next time.... I'm feeling chilly... can I borrow your jacket?

are you retarded op? it's not his coat if he's borrowing yours. it's your coat and he just stole 100 from you. ydi for leaving it in there

NotReal03 0

depends...did he buy any good games for 360?