By Anonymous - 15/01/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, we got a speeding ticket in the mail with my drunk daughter's picture on it. She was waving at the camera. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 546
You deserved it 5 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

She's lucky they can't tell sobriety with those cameras then. In addition to her paying the ticket, I suggest you punish her more.


chloe2114 4

fhl more like! unless u hav 2 pay it...

Is it really that hard to type complete words

Takes so much effort to hit an "e" and "to"

Exactly, make here pay the fine and take away her keys. And probably still further punishment. No respect for you, authority or life She was drinking and driving she could've got her or someone else killed. Then we'd here the tragic news story of how she was such a good girl but these kids at this party pushed more alcohol on her than she could handle.

I think it's even worse and she was driving without permission in her parents car. But it's true, she could have gotten someone killed by accident. OP if you don't punish her bad life hopefully will.

Mya_86 0

How do you know she was driving without permission? You're making a lot of assumptions.

I made one assumption and I made it very clear I only THINK she is driving without permission. I am not convinced she was. There is a difference though I get your point.

TanzWolf 26

26 - Even if they WERE assuming, which they're clearly not, how is that "a lot" of assumptions?

FYLDeep 25

She's lucky they can't tell sobriety with those cameras then. In addition to her paying the ticket, I suggest you punish her more.

flipflipflipidel 0
UpsidedownKayak 9

That would have been too cool!

Garytt 0

just make her pay it. case closed

that sounds like me.. but i dont drink ;p

Blaah_x 11

Sounds like something my stupid cousin would do, she's not long since past her test and I'm honestly just waiting for her to mess up with her drinking

UpsidedownKayak 9

Where does your cousin live? I just want to make sure I am nowhere near her because I don't want to die in a head on collision with a drunken idiot. She didn't happen to flee the scene of an accident lately and then post it on FML, has she?

therealsuperman 0

I'm confused, I've only seen tickets with pictures come from running red lights. where are there speed traps with cameras?

Oftentimes these speed traps are also included with the cameras at the light, and they use radar or sonar to measure your speed.