Twerking hard or hardly twerking?

By SailorSolaris - 04/10/2017 12:50 - United States

Today, I managed to pull a muscle at work. In my ass. While standing still. I still don't know how. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 130
You deserved it 314

SailorSolaris tells us more.

SailorSolaris 43

Op here. Still don't know how it happened. Third time, too, though the other times were in my back. Anyone have a clue?

Top comments

You really should ass your doctor a few questions about it.

To the OP, rather than seeking medical advice from a bunch of strangers on a website intended for comedy- strangers that mostly probably don't care whether you live or die- you would probably be better off seeking advice from a medical professional, or at the least, by doing a simple google search.


SailorSolaris 43

Op here. Still don't know how it happened. Third time, too, though the other times were in my back. Anyone have a clue?

It happened to me a few times too. I was told that it is due to the lack of exercise.

you've got a condition, best to get medical about it, see a doc

If you are standing, there is a good chance you have the wrong type of shoes.

Aw mate, this started happening to me a few times now randomly since I hit my 30's. Waking up in the morning with a pulled muscle, in bed, for absolutely no reason. I think it's just called getting old and your body degenerating, Wah! :( Was the foot up my ass I needed to get a PT though!

Probably not the muscle, but one of the tiny filaments of connective tissue that attaches to the muscle. Feels pretty much the same, but it can be caused from holding the same position for too long (standing or sitting) and then once you move you feel the tightness/ stretching. I'm guessing that you stand or sit without a lot of movement for long periods of time. Just try to move around every 30 minutes or so. Look up some light stretches that you can do while on the job, that should help keep things from locking up.

SailorSolaris 43

Wrong. I'm too hyper to stand/sit still for very long.

You really should ass your doctor a few questions about it.

You have fat but syndrome. Have your job get you a standing desk and you will be fine

What if OP has a standing job, like the post seems to imply? Does he has to ask for a sitting desk? Seriously, see a doctor. 90% of the comments recommend it.

SailorSolaris 43

I work in a pet store. Can't do desk work. Too boring.

Lobby_Bee 17

Your body might be dehydrated. It's easy to pull a muscle or get cramps when you are not hydrated enough.

To the OP, rather than seeking medical advice from a bunch of strangers on a website intended for comedy- strangers that mostly probably don't care whether you live or die- you would probably be better off seeking advice from a medical professional, or at the least, by doing a simple google search.

SailorSolaris 43

I just thought this would give others a laugh. I would talk to my doctor, but my insurance doesn't cover the doctor I've seen most of my life.

Thanks for sharing, it was slightly amusing :) Yes, it's an unfortunate reminder of ageing! I can't believe you need insurance to ask a doctor about your butt health though! Thankfully, our butt health is free here!

SailorSolaris 43

Yeah. Too bad I'm only 28. I'm not old enough for this shit.

May be a calcium deficiency. Those cause muscle cramps. Or a hormonal issue. Get some tests done