By anonymous - 14/09/2011 00:07 - United States

Today, my boyfriend cheated on me. But he justified it by saying she was a ginger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 934
You deserved it 4 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol... Watching the ginger episode of south park right now. Doesn't count, they don't have souls.


Sabraynay 10

And that is when you justify the breakup by saying your right hand will suffice in the meantime. :)

mistersheezy 7

Sounds like that dude sucks!!! Find yourself a good man.

Oh I see... now all the other comments make sense :) It was weird when I thought everyone was talking about an actual ginger! haha!

JennaMarie420 2

Not trying to be rude at all. But did you think like..ginger root? Lol

puppytaco64 8

Y would make love to a ginger root?

26: I would even say he can go sit on his left hand for 10 mins and give it a jerk then. It would be just like cheating.

ReynshineCutting 10

How is masturbating the same thing as cheating?

Looks like you can justify breaking up with him 'cause he's a cockface chickenshit ************.

Yeah, like everyone said before me, you need to dump his ass. Cheating is cheating, regardless of hair color. And even if us gingers don't have a soul, he does and he made that decision.

Remember when "ginger" wasn't seen as an offensive word? Shit, we even had shows where the main character had red hair and was named Ginger, and no one said shit!

ikickgingers 15

Ginger Grant was a representation of one the seven deadly sins. Soulless bastards!!

♫ Only a ginger, can call another ginger "ginger" ♫