By chiara - 26/08/2015 10:25 - New Zealand - Christchurch

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. I spent the day sobbing in my bedroom and talking shit about him on Facebook after blocking him. He ended up changing his mind and calling me, asking me to take him back. Now I have to awkwardly explain to everyone that we're back together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 614
You deserved it 43 266

Top comments

Half of the time, that kind of stuff does happen and people do end up getting back together soon after as long as it wasn't over anything serious. If I was him, I would break up with you again for talking about him like that so fast.


1PersonIsMyWorld 22

It's stupid that her boyfriend broke up with her to begin with. I mean she did respond quite harsh, but still.. if he was THAT easily persuaded to get back with her he should have thought longer about it before hurting her for no good reason. OP I wouldn't rely heavily on that relationship lasting if he already has thoughts of not wanting to be with you, especially if you're young.

Multiple levels of idiotic failure achieved here. OP, congratulations on being immature enough to broadcast your insincere grievances to (probably) many dozens of people. And then showing how petty you are by putting your foot in your mouth and going back to your former ex. Bravo.

raz_berri93 16

I'm not saying any of the people commenting are wrong, but you don't know that you are right, either. Every situation is different, and most people are devastated after something like that (prompting responses that are not always rational). Then OP took him back, and again, you don't know the dynamics of the relationship. The FML here is that OP is in a hard and awkward situation that, sure, OP made for herself, but now has to face. In short... Good luck OP and I hope you feel you made the correct decision.

I agree #2 I just don't see the appeal in putting your personal business all over Facebook, it's the Internet you can't take it back once it's on there.

if you don't want people to think that your so is shit, don't talk shit about them in general.

bibble27 9

I'm not sure. If one insists on letting the world know their life I'd rather it be the whole story as opposed to vague rabble rousing status updates and the ever infuriating follow up "I don't wanna talk about it."

Just because he broke up with you, doesn't give you a reason to talk shit about him.

Talking about your boyfriend and even ex-boyfriend is pretty immature, especially if you publicly do it on social media. YDI for making your business public.

I'd break up with her ass again after all that immaturity.

Half of the time, that kind of stuff does happen and people do end up getting back together soon after as long as it wasn't over anything serious. If I was him, I would break up with you again for talking about him like that so fast.

But then again, if he broke up with her over nothing maybe she was really hurt

lolhailsatan 23

she was obviously not hurt that badly, I mean she was OK with getting back together with him

Why is it just goth? I'm sure there are others who do it too.

YDI for talking shit about him and still being willing to get back together

Ugh, the people that talk shit about others on their Facebook are the worst. YDI because no one wants to see your shitty statuses about others, and I'm pretty sure I speak for many when I say get a grip, no one gives a ****.

And that's why you shouldn't vent on social media.

leogachi 15

Venting on social media is fine. Talking shit about someone because they broke up you is dumb. Yes, you're hurt, but there's no reason to be nasty about it. Unless they were an asshole when breaking up with you.