By Ashley - 07/09/2010 16:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex for the first time when my 4 year old sister walked in. She thought we were making a dog pile, so just as soon as my boyfriend was about to finish, she jumped on his back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 565
You deserved it 25 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's why you lock your door, or at least stop ******* till she leaves.

HOW was your boyfriend about to finish!? wouldn't he STOP when he saw your 4 year old sister!?? Lock the damn door.


Now this is a REAL fml not like some of the new ones.

executivemom 0

that's disgusting. your poor little sister is going to be scarred for life.

She does not seem to have understood what was going on. It will strike her later.

kittychanel 0

omg u don't have a lock on your door

I'd like to see that sex tape! THREESOME!!!!!

wkukfan45 0

thats disgusting dude.. not cool :/

seriously way to make your first time special and do it with your door unlocked and your patents home. That's a tad disrespectful, and lets just hope you weren't supposed to be babysitting your 4 yr old little sister. Such a great rolemodel. Oh yeah, and your bf is a creep for still going when your little sister walked in...ew.

I don't think it was her first time just first time with that guy

Melgros 0

Am I the only one who realized that this FML is about how her boyfriend came in her? And to the dumbasses who don't think before they post, I doubt he knew she walked in. Not all beds face the door. Durr.

bittersweets 2

I really hope it's only about the sister walking in... otherwise they would deserve it even more!

isminei 6

Most beds don't face the door, as for the instinctual need to not have your head towards to door in case of bloodthirsty murderers :)